Agamids Gallery                     Back to Gallery index

A very large family of lizards ranging from desert ground dwelling to arboreal tropical rain forest species through even near temperate climates. Most species show some spines somewhere! The family includes the Uromastyx but these are dealt with separately

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Orange Spotted agama, (<i>Laudakia stellio picea</i>) - Female left, male right. These are much smaller than most Starred Agama sub-species. Acanthosaura capra juvenile.
Selected for my breeding group Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus         Female laying eggs 12/10/09
note colour difference between male and female.  (Known as Sexual Dimorphism)

Male Gonocephalus Young Captive raised Acanthosaurus capra Laudakia caucasica, Caucasian Agama.  Suitable for outside reptiliaries with plexiglaass tops and deep hibernation areas. Possible supplementary spotlight for heating in early spring and late autumn.

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